Computer Network Management

Every aspect in the world of era can be managed by manageable things in order to control the flow of desired results. It can be also in terms of network management in computers. The term Network Management itself refers management of computer networks which are inter-connected with each other. This includes the software as well as hardware products which are managed by networks.

Network management performed and maintained by a network administrator who is responsible for maintaining maintenance of computer hardware and software. Network administrator can be a single person or a team of technical staff in an organization depending on the amount of network traffic. A network administrator checks and verifies overall integrity of a network, wireless or broadband network’s optimization, deployment of wireless LAN etc. Network administrator decides businesses unique computing, the need of an application and the networking techniques required for that application.

Network management depends on a specific platform which provides reliable monitoring capabilities of any resource. It’s basically how server is operating and how reports are scheduled to maintain server management. It involves maintaining the functionality of business information systems when newer technologies are developed and implemented. This runs the businesses effectively in most organizations enabling response time and availability over time.

Network management includes security, reliability and performance of a network. Security enables to protect network from an unauthorized access. Performance eliminates errors available in the network while reliability of a network defines the network is readily available for responding to software and hardware functions.

Computer network management involves various network topologies which are used to specify the layout of the network and shows how different nodes are connected and communicate with each other to form a network.

Star topology in network defines devices are connected to main computer which is called as a hub and the different nodes are connected and data or information is passed using these nodes through the hub. By using star topology in network, malfunctioned node will not affect the rest of the nodes available in the network. There is a clause while using star topology is that if the central computer fails or get damaged then the entire network becomes unusable. This topology is used in the government banks or in the business organizations.

Ring topology is basically observed in the local area network, where, all nodes are connected in a closed loop. Each node present in ring topology passes and regenerates the information or data, capturing longer distances than any other type of network topology.

The mesh topology consisting of the duplicate or redundant inter-connections throughout the network between the nodes. Mesh topology can be either partial or full depending on how circuits are connected. Full mesh topology is difficult to maintain than partial mesh topology as if one node fails then network traffic directed to other nodes. The nodes in partial mesh topology are in an organized manner and generally found in peripheral networks.

Bus topology is a backbone than other network topologies available and generally used in small networks. It is easily installable and connectable to a computer or any kind of device. It can be best usable in the systems containing Ethernet.

A tree topology is a hybrid topology which divides network into smaller parts to manage the data in a prominent and manageable manner. Just like a star topology, it is also based on the main computer i.e. hub. So, if hub fails then rest network remains not of any use.

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